If you want to track your Notion-built website's performance, Google Analytics is one of your best options.
Within this guide, we're going to show you all there is to know about integrating Google Analytics to Notion websites.
To integrate Google analytics to Notion website, you just have to copy the Analytics code and paste it in the "Custom code" section of your Notion website.
For the detailed way to integrate Google Analytics in Notion, keep reading this guide.
Fist of all, go to Google Analytics and add your website.
Simply type your website's URL, name your website so you could easily see it in the menu, and then hit "Create Stream".
Once you've created the stream, you should see a new window - "Web stream details".
On that page, you'll have to click "Global site tag (gtag.js)".
As soon as you've clicked that, the box should expand and you should see some code - be sure to copy that whole code.
Now you'll have to go to your Simple.ink and Notion-built website's Custom code section. Did build you website yet? Have a look at the procedure (it's 100% free).
The code that you've copied at the previous step has to be pasted in this box. Once your'e done adding the code, hit the "Save changes" button. That's it!
To see your website's analytics, simply go to the Google Analytics dashboard, as there's the whole list of details about your website.
Yes, you can add any analytics to your Notion website. Grab the analytics platform's code, paste it in the Simple.ink "Custom code" section of your website, and that's it!.
Want to see more tutorials like this? If so, be sure to give a look to our library of Notion integrations. Thank you for reading this post!